Tick Prevention for Dogs

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Prevention is better than cure! ⚠️ After almost full of one month we share with you the information about the tick-borne disease, what are your conclusion, Pawrents? Of course! None of us wants to get our dog to get those diseases because most of it could be fatal if it occurs to your dog. Prevention is the best way to keep your dog safe and healthy! ❤️ . So, have your dogs been free of ticks, Pawrents? 🐶 . . * GROOVY VETCARE CLINIC * (PLEASE KEEP UPDATED ON OUR CURRENT OPENING HOUR AND PROTOCOL REGARDING THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK ON OUR INSTAGRAM HIGHLIGHTS OR OUR WEBSITE) 📍 Jl. Radio Dalam Raya No 49 Jakarta 12140, Indonesia ☎ +62 21 728-00617 🕗 Opening hour: Mon – Sat: 09.00 – 20.00 Sun: 10.00 – 13.00 & 14.00 – 18.00 Emergency: 24/7 by Call Emergency Call: 0811-888-2490 🏡 Visiting Hour: Mon – Sat: 11.00 – 15.00 Sun: 11.00 – 13.00 Public Holiday no visiting hour ❗PS: Every 2nd Thursday of the month is closed. #groovycare #veterinary #dokterhewan #tickbornediseases #tickprevention #anjingbebaskutudancaplak #kesehatananjing #dogshealth #pesticides

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